
Chelsea Handler Plastic Surgery 2024

How does Chelsea Handler look so good going into her 40s? Taking one look at Chelsea Handler, you would never assume that she was about to break right into her early 40s – most people would immediately assume that she was maybe (and then, only just may be) about to blow out her 30th birthday candles! But there are a lot of different secrets as to how exactly Chelsea has been able to look so great for so long, seemingly never aging even though the years continue to fly right by.

Chelsea Handler Plastic Surgery Before and After Pictures 2024

chelsea handler plastic surgery before and after photos 2024

Chelsea Handler Before and After Plastic Surgery

A lot of this has to do with absolutely incredible genetics (mean, just look at her – you’re already talking about a beautiful woman here). But it would be crazy to assume that this is just the way that Father Time decided to march along when it came to Chelsea Handler, and that there hasn’t been some type of “Chelsea Handler plastic surgery intervention”.

Has Chelsea Handler Had Plastic Surgery?

Obviously, like many other already beautiful women in Hollywood, Chelsea has had more than her fair share of work done.

Subtle changes for sure – Chelsea Handler Dermal or Botox Injections

Incredibly, it’s pretty difficult to find out exactly when Chelsea really started to fall around with plastic surgery. Have a look for yourself. Fire up a couple of pictures of Chelsea in her younger years and compare them to photographs taken recently.

Sure, you’ll see some changes (most of them subtle and pretty unobvious), but for the most part, she looks almost exactly like she did 20 years ago – which is a surefire sign of having a qualified team of professionals give you plastic surgery version of the Fountain of Youth.

And there’s nothing wrong with it.

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It’s more obvious that she’s had dermal fillers or Botox in the last few years, but only because the many of the mature wrinkles and laugh lines that she used to have on her face have all but disappeared, and it’s unlikely that she’s been able to roll back time!

What about Chelsea Handler breast augmentation?

Did Chelsea Handler have plastic surgery? This is a pretty hot topic up for debate online, with people pretty much split right down the middle as to whether or not she actually went with a breast augmentation and breast enlargement procedure or if she has just fully matured into the beautiful and sexy woman that she is today.

Chelsea hasn’t opened up to anyone about whether or not she’s gone under the knife and “started to play with house money”, and it’s really difficult to tell whether or not she’s had work done upstairs just by looking at photographs.

Sure, sometimes the girls look a little bit larger than they do in other photographs, but you’ll find pictures like that with just about every woman on the face of the earth.

Today, (after some plastic surgery) they look a little bit perkier than they did maybe five or 10 years ago, but again you can never tell if that’s the doing of a plastic surgeon or just that she decided to change out her old bras and try something new on for size!

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