
Madonna Plastic Surgery

Born in 1958, the infamous first Diva of Pop and Material Girl, Madonna claims that her looks are the result of focusing her energies inward, a special diet, and extremely expensive creams. For a star who has held a successful and continually thriving solo career since 1981 Madonna has been the subject of a lot… [Read More]

Ray Liotta Plastic Surgery

Hollywood is the world unto itself. It has long been known and accepted that women looking to keep their careers in the highly sexualized environment of the film industry have turned to plastic surgery to stem the tide of changes aging brings. Now that movement is apparently spreading to older male actors as well. For a… [Read More]

Rose McGowan Plastic Surgery

People have grown used to Hollywood celebrities using plastic surgery to keep their appearance young and beautiful. Many never doubt the rumors and gossip rampant about this star or that one and the procedures they have supposedly had done to alter or enhance their looks. It’s taken for granted that this is the norm, especially… [Read More]

Jada Pinkett Smith Plastic Surgery

Multi-talented and Multi-troubled – Jada Pinkett Smith is a multi-talented actress and wife of mega star Will Smith, who also directs, acts, sings and produces. She is arguably one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood and by all appearances, as a wife, mother, and career woman, she should also be one of the most… [Read More]

Heather Locklear Plastic Surgery

Born in 1961, Heather Locklear, the 50-something actress is still flaunting a sleek bombshell bod. Her face has been reported to look more fresh and bright than it has in years and it has gotten people buzzing to figure out why. As another star who seems to be winning the fight against aging, the potential… [Read More]